Dedicated to improve your Health & Quality of Life
Our clinic is a healthcare centre offering treatments through intelligent use of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture as well as Tui Na (Acupressure or TCM way of massage).
We have qualified physicians providing comprehensive consultations prior to any treatments to ensure all concerns are adequately addressed with subsequent treatments tailored to specific needs and requirements of the patients. All treatments will also look into each individual’s unique body make up & condition. In addition, our clinic uses only Chinese Proprietary Medicine approved by Health Science Authority.
Our clinic aims to:
- Adopt a holistic approach to achieve all round health & well-being of our patients.
- Stimulate each individual body’s internal biological balance to normal state of our patients.
- Provide the most cost efficient & effective way to prevent illness and upkeep overall health well-being of our patients.
- Provide high quality TCM healthcare services to enhance health & well-being of our patients.
- Enhance & improve public health through natural means & products
- 强调以整体调治的疗法达到治疗、保健与养生的目的。
- 通过自然的方法以调理客户的身体,以达到阴阳平衡,气血、经络通畅。
- 提供实惠、优质的中医治疗以改善客户的健康并预防疾病。